Individual Income
Tax Preparation

Every year, tax laws seem to get more complicated, which makes tax preparation more confusing than ever. Studies have shown that a person may spend as many as 30 hours preparing an individual income tax return, and it’s not a pleasant experience. Many people turn to software or to large tax-prep retail chains for their individual income tax preparation, which can be helpful, but these options do not offer the kind of individualized service you might need.

While much of the country struggles to assimilate the new “fiscal cliff” tax laws, more properly known as the American Tax Relief Act of 2012, here at McGregor & Company, LLP, we are standing ready to implement all of the new regulations.

Our Expertise

You can call on our expertise to access the most current developments in the tax laws to manage both your current and future tax liabilities.

Our experience in individual income tax preparation provides a quality of service that is beyond comparison.

Services for Self-Employed or Small Businesses

We can provide analysis and advice for home office deductions, equipment depreciation, pension, 401K and other services for self-employed individuals and sole proprietors.

Estimated Quarterly Tax Payments

Individuals with unequal income throughout the year, self-employed or independent contractors, or commission-only employees – anyone who does not draw a standard paycheck with regular tax withholding – require additional effort to remain compliant with IRS regulations. We can help you determine your obligations and make sure you are handling your quarterly tax payments in a timely manner.

For Every Financial Need
How We Can Help

Tax Services

From planning to preparing and filing, we assist every step of the way. We ensure that our clients are compliant with all IRS regulations.

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Business Services

Depending upon the size and financial sophistication of your organization, outsourcing your business accounting services will save you time and money.

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Audit & Assurance Services

We assist with assurance and reporting requirements placed upon many entities such as nonprofits, government agencies, and other organizations.

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Individual Services

We help insure a bright and secure future for our clients and their families through Financial & Retirement Planning as well as Estate & Trust Planning.

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