Corporate Income
Tax Preparation

There are many reasons for a business to be incorporated as a legal entity, primarily to separate its obligations and responsibility from those of its owners. A legally incorporated entity has certain rights as well, which can be useful in the course of conducting business.

Our Expertise in Corporate Income Tax Preparation

Our expertise in corporate income tax preparation means that we can accurately and efficiently prepare tax returns for various types of business entities, including S Corporations and C Corporations. We can prepare Federal Income Tax Returns for Corporations, State Franchise Tax Returns, State Sales Tax Returns, State Payroll reports, and State Income Tax Returns for all 50 states.

S Corporations are generally small businesses and the legal structure combines advantages of both a company and an entrepreneurial endeavor. The incorporation provides a measure of protection over a business structured as a sole proprietorship or partnership. It also confers a favorable tax treatment on the entity that would not exist in a regular C corporation.

Payroll Taxes

If your corporation has employees, we can prepare your payroll tax paperwork. We can calculate the tax deposits for each payroll period. For smaller businesses we take care of returns that are filed quarterly or annually. We also provide W-2s and/or 1099 forms for your employees and contractors at the end of the year.

Sales Taxes

Many of our clients are responsible for collecting and submitting sales tax in different jurisdictions. We can assist your company in the compilation of information and preparation of sales tax returns in an efficient and timely manner.

For Every Financial Need
How We Can Help

Tax Services

From planning to preparing and filing, we assist every step of the way. We ensure that our clients are compliant with all IRS regulations.

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Business Services

Depending upon the size and financial sophistication of your organization, outsourcing your business accounting services will save you time and money.

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Audit & Assurance Services

We assist with assurance and reporting requirements placed upon many entities such as nonprofits, government agencies, and other organizations.

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Individual Services

We help insure a bright and secure future for our clients and their families through Financial & Retirement Planning as well as Estate & Trust Planning.

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